Alright all you who are excited for Dragon Age Inquisition. We have quite a few more screen shots for the game and this time it looks like they are focused more on the environments of the game more than anything. I guess if you also want to get a bit technical too it looks like there is somewhat of a season cycle as well to look at here as well. Main because there is a batch that looks to take place in some frozen landscapes and another set in a more hospitable climate. This could also just be based on the locations in the game and not really seasons though.
Unfortunately for all of you excited for Dragon Age Inquisition, that is all we really have here for you. No new news. No new gameplay. No new mechanics. No new story. I am not too happy about it either because pictures, while they can be worth 1000 words, do not give us anything more than items to speculate over or just look at and discard until the next big tidbit is released for consumption. That always seems too few and far between in these more digital days doesn't it?
Either way, have a look at the new screens for Dragon Age Inquisition and come back soon as we should hopefully have some actual news for the game and not just pretty pictures. Although if pictures do equal to 1000 words then I can claim this to be 11,000 more words than it already is. That's like a novel I just gave you here in the matter of a few minutes.