The Elder Scrolls Online is now out for the PC master race and soon for the second class citizens of the next gen consoles. There is also nothing like a fully pre-rendered trailer to show us why we should all be playing a game. As it would seem we have one of those new trailers for The Elder Scrolls Online in all of its glory. It is full CGI. It also makes absolutely no sense in way of story unless you have seen the previous pre-rendered trailer or have head you face buried deep in the bosom of Elder Scrolls mythology and story.
Here, have a look.
Ok, so that was a really cool trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online. Even though it really doesn't speak to anything that I have already played in the beta or lore that I have experienced with my limited time in game. Just like Blizzard though, Bethesda sure does know who to do promotional trailers insanely well. Unfortunately I have a feeling that this is going to be the end of these kinds of trailers until there is some huge expansion or update. Maybe in June when The Elder Scrolls Online makes the leap into the console market.
One can hope.