With everything going on as of late for Irrational and 2K I almost forgot that BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea — Episode Two was on the verge of launching. Or actually launching today depending on the platform that tickles your fancy. I believe it is only the Xbox that has to wait another day but I could be a bit off. Either way, it is a good thing that 2K decided to remind us all with a very creepy and cool trailer for the last DLC from Irrational Games.
Yea, I went there. BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea — Episode Two is slated to be the last bit from the former studio before the team hopefully moves on to something bigger and brighter. At least we know fifteen people are getting to move on but if the portfolio of work from the rest has anything to say about it I am sure all others affected by the closure will land on their feet. Hopefully…
But enough of the sad there. This is all about the launch of the final Burial At Sea DLC. I am sure that alone will have our eyes welling from the story or from the uncertainty of the BioShock franchise. You can decide. If you didn't get your season pass from before then here is that mentioned trailer to try and sway you into spending a few more bucks to keep the love flowing for BioShock Infinite.