It's games like South Park The Stick Of Truth that make me happy to live in a country that doesn't openly censor entertainment content. I won't go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories about that in the US but on a whole it isn't done as much as it seems to happen outside. Personally it is a little shocking what makes it in this nation of prudes but not other, more open cultures but it would seem that in this case we in the US are okay with anal probing as a whole.
Jesting and personal views aside, below we have a lift of scenes that have had about 20 second edits to the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of South Park The Stick Of Truth in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. These scenes have been altered by Matt Stone and Trey Parker to show an image with description text of what we in the US will get to see on the console versions. Also as it would seem, any whom get the PC version will also see the un-edited scenes.
Here's that list of scenes:
- A mini-game in which the doctor is performing an abortion on the player.
- A mini-game in which the player is performing an abortion on the character Randy.
- Five anal probing scenes involving someone actively being probed. The scenes play out as normal before and after the active probing sequences.
No before any of you take up your 'scauses' about the censorship of South Park The Stick Of Truth this doesn't seem to be the actions of overly oppressive government. It was more a choice on Ubisoft and, assuming, South Park Studios and Obsidian to be able to reach a larger market. Some of these countries have harsher rating boards and this seems to be a concession to be able to get South Park The Stick Of Truth through ratings and into the hands of fans easier.
Yes it sucks for those affected, mind you the AU version has been censored too, but I get it. Like I said, it makes me happy to live where I don't have to worry about a company needing to make a choice like this but I find it smart thinking for those countries where this is a concern. We all know the joke about the 'German Videos' Cartman's mom has been in but it would seem we in the US crave that kind of visual acts more than any other.
South Park The Stick Of Truth hits shelves here next week. These edits were reported by other members of the press who have received their review copies of the game so at least we don't have to worry about yet another delay. If you wish to see the lovely reviewer guide that was sent, as is the norm for us reviewers, I have included it below.