It's been a busy week in gaming here. We've had an awards show. We've had some new games out for review. We had a few new writers contribute. Hells, there was even a day where it seemed that all we were getting in the news was from Square Enix. You know the day I am talking about.
Well, sometimes things fall through the cracks or are blocked on Facebook as per The Zuckerberg initiative. Just for all of you out there here is a compiled list of what happened on the site in the last week. Aren't that nice? Just in case you missed that great hack or the lack of multiplayer in The Order 1886; we have you gamers covered for all things gaming.
So feel free and peruse the list. Have a few laughs, a few cries, and a few 'what the fuck was he thinking?" moments on us. Also feel free to let us know what you liked or wished we would have gouged out our eyes instead of writing.
- Transformers Universe Has Transformed Its Genre A Bit
- The Last Of Us Cleaned Up Nicely At The DICE Awards
- No Multiplayer In The Order 1886 And How This Makes Sense
- Review: The Wolf Among Us - Episode Two
- Here Is A Little More For The Evil Within Straight From Japan
- The Amazing Toys Made For Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2
- The Best PS Vita To PlayStation 4 Hack To Date From A Youngster
- Join Us In Watching The DICE Summit From Your Home…Or Your Computer
- Here Is How You Can Become The Master Thief…
- We Have Leads On Murdered Soul Suspect's Next Gen Platforms
- Let's Re-cap Final Fantasy XIII Before Lightning Returns Comes Out
- Arriving Out Of The Aether Is The New Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer
- The Long Awaited The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 Is Almost Here
- Games To Watch For In 2014