It has been some time since we had anything new from South Park The Stick Of Truth, unless you want to count the show's Black Friday trilogy that ended as a giant ad for the game. Either way it is high time and…we really have nothing more except for a few looks at how the game has been designed from the start up until now. It is all in video form with a few small interview tidbits from Matt and Trey, but all in all there is nothing that we haven't seen or heard before.
I do believe that is worth noting that it is quite amazing that South Park Studios has to have some of the most amazing people working there as they are doing most of the animations for South Park The Stick Of Truth and passing it along to Obsidian. Not only that, but they are also able to keep up with the grueling release schedule of the show at the same time. Well at least if we continue to assume that South Park Studios didn't hire on a team to contract out the game's animations.
All in all though it is a fun watch. I swear these guys have a direct line to my funny bone, to quote Zombieland. Now let's just hope that South Park The Stick Of Truth doesn't get hit with another delay and that we are still on track for what I imagine will be a game I sink more time into than any Final Fantasy title in the past. 259 hours in case you were wondering.