If you have been tracking Basement Crawl up until now, you'd know it to be a creepy looking version of Bomberman. At least of sorts. We've had the announcement trailer and a few screens with descriptions, but no real gameplay to show off. Well wait no longer as we have a nice little bit of gameplay to show off below. Let's watch.
After seeing that I think I am sold on the idea that Basement Crawl is a Bomberman clone of sorts with some really creepy visuals. There really are no ifs or ands here. These 46 seconds of gameplay looks just like the Adams Family designed the original classic and such. Then again, we really won't be able to tell for sure until the game launches on the PS4 and we will have some actual hands on with the game. Until then, we speculate and make assumptions.
So when does it come out and we can get a real feel for how Basement Crawl handles? Well if you live in the EU region, in a few days from now. January 29th to be a hard date there. If you don't live in said region, well we still have a timeline of "very soon after that." Kind of missed the original window of the PS4 launch month but at least there will be another title to add to the growing list of 'Next Gen' console games.
Keep an eye out here for our official review of Basement Crawl so you can find out if it is worth your time and money. Until then, what do you think of Basement Crawl so far from what you've seen? Tell the gaming world below in the comments.