Well isn't this some good news and bad news. The good news is that South Park The Stick Of Truth has seven minutes of new gameplay, I'll discuss here in a bit. The bad news, the game is delayed again and this time it won't be until next year. March 4th 2014 to be exact. Yet another delay from an Ubisoft title, but at least this one is just being published by Ubisoft and not developed by. Man that would be horrible for them wouldn't it?
Anyways, let's focus on the positive and talk about the new gameplay for South Park The Stick Of Truth.
The new bit takes place in the Giggling Donkey and its underbelly of a basement. We are also introduced to the Bard and Thief classes and characters played by Jimmy and Craig respectfully. That is mostly for humor in this case though. What seems to be the prime focus is the standard combat and world combat elements. This also includes a summoning of Professor Chaos and his ultimate, and unnecessary, power being used to dispatch some of the elves. There is also a small bit on using the reactive attack and blocking to reduce or boost damage, also respectfully.
I'll be honest here. With everything I have seen for South Park The Stick Of Truth I am a bit surprised it is delayed again. The only thing I can think of is that there was something else that Matt Stone and Trey Parker wanted to add to the game before launch, given their hatred for DLC and all. That is my hope as I am not sure how much more 'polishing' can happen here. I guess we'll find out when or if there is an official statement given. Until then let's keep pining and waiting for South Park The Stick Of Truth.