Is there anything else we can glean from this trailer that we have not been able to find? Maybe a little bit. Like the fact that it seems that there have been a few 'summon' type elements added in. If we are to believe what Cartman is talking about and extrapolate, then we can see that Mr. Hanky, Mr. Slave, Jesus, and a Unicorn (who I am still trying to tie back somewhere) are part of this list. Also, it looks like Professor Chaos (Anime) is in the mix below but it is hard to tell what role he will be taking in the game. It could just be a super move of some kind.
If there is one thing I would have to say to take away here, outside of the above, that is that The Stick Of Truth is looking more and more like the show and not a game at all. Watch the trailer and tell me that Obsidian hasn't nailed the look so perfectly that if you had no knowledge of the game or that one was coming, the below trailer would look just like another episode trailer. They have completely hit their goal on visuals and audio here. I for one can't wait to see if the gameplay and story do as well.