What make this mode stand apart? Well the fact that it is stated to be the same difficulty as the hardest mode with the difference that game saves are disabled as well as once Batman dies it is Game Over. It sounds quite a bit like BioShock Infinite's 1999 mode only that you can't pay to be re-spawned. It's "lights out bats" and start over. This is not a first in the industry, but it is a first for the franchise and it should have experts playing the game for at least 24 hours. That's three full play throughs of the main story and side missions.
While I am excited that there is a new mode to keep replay value up, I am a bit unsure on it just turning off a few of the game play mechanics and calling it all new. There has been talk of a bit of DLC add-ons down the road, hopefully story based, but will this new mode keep you playing the same grind again just to say you did it? I'm not sold on this as a replay feature yet, but who knows? The story could be that amazing that I want to give it a try as if I were really Batman. We'll see on October 25th I guess.