Now for the interesting part, it looks like Ubisoft is breaking from the theme of traveling forward in history with each new AC title as we will be playing during the time of Blackbeard. Granted that would only be roughly 40 years before the American Revolution focused on already. Interesting but not overly ground breaking as Naval Combat as well as the pirate theme was already touched on in the franchise. I do admit I was waiting for there to be a full on pirate storyline sooner or later and not just DLC or side missions.
I am a bit weary on Ubisoft churning out new Assassin's Creed titles just as there are Call Of Duty titles, but I guess we will see. I am talking full on storylines and new mechanics based on said storylines and not just updates and extensions from one set storyline before anyone bitches.
What do you think? Let's hear it in the comments.