If you look below we have what is called the "Game Play" trailer for the game. While it may be showing the in game graphics and cut scenes, as for any actual game play, there is about 6 seconds total that can really be gleaned. That is unless Terminal Reality made the choice to move from FPS to a Third Person style; something we have not been informed of yet. So don't expect to see much of the actual game play, and more of the cut scenes and story portions of the game.
Hopefully you ingested the above well because this is where I'm going to get even more quizative. Do you really think this will have the same affect that the show, comics, and Telltale game will have when it comes to the whole Walking Dead universe? One of the best features in all of these things has been the storytelling and look at the human side of everything. Now what it seems we are getting is just a CoD map with a Walking Dead mod slapped on it with a bit of tie-in into the show.
It does concern me a bit seeing this and knowing that it is a "tie-in" game. We all know how well those work out for films and all. The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct does look to be a cut above your usual slop that tie-ins usually are, but can it break the mold? Judging from this trailer my hopes are dwindling.
What say you? Comment below.