Anyways, let's get back to this review.
Let's start off with the basics:
The graphics are nothing short of gorgeous. From the skin textures to the scenery, all of it is top notch. Even if it wasn't, this game would still be amazing. The level design is very linear but still exploratory with secrets and collectibles. Each level is unique in its own way. From city streets to night clubs, all of them kept me on my toes and entertained. The most unique levels I've experienced was the News Room and the Night Club, both being the highlights of the game for me.
The music is pretty good. Ranging from Punk to Techno, it all fit perfectly in each situation and in each level. The sound effects are pretty good and the voice acting, along with the facial expressions, are amazing. Having good voice acting and great facial expressions allows for a much deeper connection with the games characters; along with a captivating and entertaining story, you have a damn near masterpiece.
Speaking of stories, the story in DMC is pretty good with a couple twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. As long as you don’t go looking at the achievement list. The story starts out with Dante being confronted by this girl named Kat who wants Dante to meet her boss and help them out. After finding out about the bridges between Limbo and whatnot, we find out that Kat’s boss is Vergil, Dante’s twin brother. From there he embarks an epic journey of trying to free the human race from enslavement by the demons of Hell.
The game play on DMC is top notch as well but I’m just going to nitpick a bit here. The dodging animation seems to last just a split second too long for one. I understand it's not meant to be spammed but at the same time it hinders my ability to keep up with my reaction speed. The combo system is amazing and welcomes and rewards trying new things. This is a huge plus for me. I would've enjoyed a block system though. There are times where I would lose 75% of my health trying to deflect a projectile to stun an enemy. Although I do see the flaw in this method, I could have easily just dodged and kicked his teeth in but I didn't want to play that way. Does that make sense? I hope so.
The replay value on DMC is through the roof. With over five different difficulties ranging from “Easy Mode” to “You die in one hit” brings a nice challenge to the table. While most of the other games that have a “one hit and your dead difficulty,” DMC actually feels like it's possible without breaking your controller in half. To unlock these new difficulties you must beat the game on Hard Mode. The next mode is Super Hard Mode but the difficulty is not the only thing that is changed. The enemies that spawn are different as well. So not only do you get to get a somewhat new experience, you also get a nice challenge that can help you push yourself to your very limits. After Super Hard Mode it's Heaven&Hell Mode. Here one hit will kill you, but also one hit will kill enemies. Again, the enemies that have spawned have been switched up, giving another new challenge. Basically what I’m trying to say here is that DMC does difficulty the right way and everyone in the gaming industry should take note.
Overall DMC is an amazing game and an epic reboot to a semi-old franchise. Even if you don’t like the way the new Dante looks, you will be able to see that it's still the same Dante. Open your mind, instead of being a negative Nancy. Play the game, let it draw you in and hold you tight, as it caresses your gaming spirit. You will not regret it.
DMC was developed by Ninja Theory and published by Capcom. Released on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on January 15th, 2013. A personal copy was borrowed from a friend, who personally purchased it from a local retailer. I played on Hard Mode and had a blast.