Sony has not confirmed if they plan on implementing this technology on the PS4, anything at this point is speculation. However the existence of this patent is still a cause for concern. This issue goes beyond just spending extra money to purchase a game new. The new technology will prevent any game sharing whatsoever. This will end the days of borrowing games from friends or sharing with family members. Not only that but what happens when a game goes out of print? Just think of how many great quality games can be picked up at your local used game store that cannot be bought new anymore. If this technology is indeed implemented in next gen consoles once a game goes out of print it would be as good as dead to anyone who has not played it. Another concern is what happens if your console breaks and you must purchase a new one. Is Sony going to charge to play the game on your new console? Personally I will not support this practice, as much as I hate to say this I will not buy the PS4 if this tech is used and this is coming from a loyal fan who has owned every PlayStation since the original. What are you opinions on the subject sound off in the comments below?