First off we have the third installment to the amazingly beautiful franchise of Crysis, with Crysis 3. Developed by Crytek and Published by EA, Crysis 3 takes place twenty-four years after the events of Crysis 2. Players will be taking the role of Prophet again as he returns to New York. Running on the gorgeous CryEngine 3, Crysis 3 looks like it is going to be the best of the best combining the open world game play of the original Crysis with the storytelling and narrative of Crysis 2.
I personally cannot wait for Crysis 3. I had a blast playing the second one and judging from the preview trailer of the third one I'm going to be in love. The destructible environments are also a very nice touch and could prove extremely useful in Multiplayer when dealing with campers.
Crysis 3 comes out sometime in February 2013 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
Here is the Single Player Trailer to help get your heart rate up.
Next up we have the sequel to one of my all time favorite First Person Shooters; Metro 2033. Metro: Last Light definitely impresses by not only showing off the beautiful big picture but as well as flaunting the little things. Boy, do the little things impress. The ringing of your ears when lightning crashes down right next to you, the rain drops that you wipe away from your mask, and even the detail on every single bullet in your magazine. Metro 2033 brought you into a deep and powerful post-apocalyptic world and Metro: Last Light will drag you back screaming and clawing. Check out the creepy atmosphere and beautiful graphics of the E3 pre-alpha game play.
Developed by 4A Games and Published by THQ Metro: Last Light is scheduled for a March 2013 release on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360
Here is the E3 Pre-Alpha game play trailer:
Next up we have DmC, the Devil May Cry reboot. Developed by Ninja Theory and Published by Capcom. If you haven't already, then you should definitely download the demo on Xbox Live or PSN. The demo for DmC only has two levels, one of which is a normal run through of a level, and the other is a boss fight. Both of which are simply amazing. Not only is DmC beautiful, but it also plays extremely well.
Here is a trailer for you guys to ogle over.
Next on the list is my most anticipated game of 2013: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. The sequel to one of the greatest Castlevanias I have ever had the honor of playing. Such a deep and powerful story with amazing boss fights and just beautiful and awe inspiring scenery. The only way is "Up" with Lords of Shadow 2. Players will again take the role of Gabriel Belmont as he awakes from a thousand year sleep. He must regain his powers; fight off the Belmont clan as well as a new unknown threat. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is being developed by MercurySteam and Published by Konami. It is scheduled for a release sometime in 2013.
Here is the VGA trailer for you guys.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is developed by Gearbox Software and published by Sega. I got a chance to see the opening and some multiplayer modes of Aliens: Colonial Marines at PAX East earlier this year. I was extremely impressed with the graphics, atmosphere, and the balance of the whole game. Aliens: Colonial Marines is also considered an official sequel to the movie Aliens and the entire story is considered official cannon for the storyline. This is highly impressive, especially for a video game. Having a story arc over multiple mediums is an amazing way to experience it, and showing everyone that video games are in the big leagues now.
Here is a trailer for you.
Next up is BioShock Infinite. Developed by Irrational Games and published by 2K Games. There really is not anything I can say about this game, other than I am more excited for this game than a fat man about to receive a triple fudge brownie. Not only does BioShock Infinite look stunning, but you can bet your sweet cheeks that the story and game play are going to be blowing you away. BioShock Infinite comes out March 26th, 2013 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Here is a trailer for you guys to drool over:
Now, I know there should be more games on this list, but that is where you come in. Let me know what games you are insanely excited for that are coming out next year.