Sorry haters, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome this game is.
There are only two levels in the demo (A regular level and a boss fight) but both are fun and amazing. The first level takes you through a city and shows you the ropes of DmC. The combat is smooth, fluid, and very responsive. But getting used to the controls may take a little while. There are no switching weapons. X shoots your pistols; Y and B swing your swords, holding RT or LT changes Y, and B to attacked with a scythe or with an ax. The B button is generally used to lift enemies up in the air. RT/LT and X pulls enemies towards you, or pulls your towards your enemies.
There are also a lot of collectibles to be found in the first level. Such as keys, lost souls, and hidden doors. Ninja Theory doesn't tell you much about the story in the demo; this is a good thing, because it's just a demo. But I think they did a damn good job on the reboot of Devil May Cry, judging from the demo.
The second level, boss fight, after a bit of vulgar trash talking between Dante and this slug demon thing, they duke it out, the camera hints at when it's time to change platforms, or when it's time to move the hell out of the way. This is a very nice welcome in the franchise, instead of fixed camera angles as in the first Devil May Cry. The camera actually helps you by tilting upwards to hint at a progression in the level. Ninja Theory also uses the environment very well. So much in fact that it feels like it's another enemy in the game. With roads simply falling into oblivion or walls that begin to close in on you at random.
I am really excited for this reboot now. Even more so than I was before I played the demo. DmC comes out January 15th, 2013 for PS3 and Xbox 360.