So as is to be expected, the combat will blend a mix of sword and gun play. Just as the trailers and screens have implied, expect a spinning whirlwind of death and (bang) explosions. What is really interesting is that players will be rewarded with more "XP," or whatever they call their leveling currency, for keeping the fights going on as long as possible. From the sounds of it, there is going to be something like a "combo countdown" where the longer you are out of a combat the less "XP" you gain when you get back into one. Granted this is all based off something one of the devs mention in passing during an interview, so I could be going down the wrong path based on the limited details.
Other things we can expect are that there will be a bit of a platforming element added into the mix of death. Not too much detail on that just like the inclusion of other super humans from the Marvel universe. It's been mentioned, but to no degree if it is a quick mention or a whole on role. I guess we'll find out here in a week or so.
While we wait for more details, enjoy these screens.