Also fun to know is that the game looks to take place in a futuristic version of Paris, bad accents included. Ok, well maybe not fun, but worth noting I guess. I do have to say that it does make for an awesome looking backdrop for the game. I am interested if this is just for the trailers here and if we will get more locales.
While it might sound like I am excited here, I do have to say I still have my reservations based on what we've been given so far. It is only a little bit, and I am digging the "mini-game" version of remixing memories, see the game play video, but I don't think that changing one's memory would lead to some of the drastic outcomes shown. The game play mission is to manipulate a guy's memory so that he kills himself. I can see that working in a long term goal after manipulating many memories, but here it happens so quickly. Yes it is all based on fictional science/technology, but I would like to think that the human brain could piece together something isn't right when there are many other memories linking together and only one that is off. Then again, who knows?
Do enjoy and feel free to offer up your thoughts in the comments below.
Announcement Trailer
Game Play