I won't bore you more than need be here. If you want to read more on my impressions you can click the link above for that. I will not that there are a few differences from the video and what I saw. I'll list them so you can just jump ahead faster.
- In my demo they didn't choke out the madam. (Stealth)
- Only one prostitute was harmed, that being the one in the steam room. (Stealth)
- The guards near the steam room were shot with sleep darts not choked. (Stealth)
- The main character started in the same spot as in Stealth Mode. (Run&Gun)
- There was more Spring Traps used. (Run&Gun)
- The guy doing the demo for us hated more candelabras than this video. (Stealth/Run&Gun)
That should give you the most informed way to watch these videos, just in case you cared. After you enjoy let us know your thoughts below.