PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Long Name For A Clone

For those who have no clue what PASBR is let me answer that question. It is effectively the PlayStation version of Super Smash Bros. It is a four on four Battle Royale that pits all of the major PlayStation franchise characters against each other in some crazy mash up interactive levels based on other franchises from Sony. Yes, that does mean that Parappa is finally going to be able to use his fighting skills against Sacboy and/or Sweet Tooth. Every Sony fan's dream right?

I honestly have no clue how I feel about this game. While I do have to say that Super Smash Bros. is one of the few games that get me playing my Wii in general it isn't one of those titles that make me yearn for more. I guess it will be interesting to see the franchise specific characters and what SuperBot and Sony Santa Monica will do to make PASBR not just another clone. I am just not sure if it will have the same appeal or draw. I guess it will be cool to see how they can blend two franchises together to make level background interesting and interactive.

I guess we'll see more here in the coming month before E3 and then at the show. Until then, here are the announced characters and levels as well as the trailer.


  • Kratos
  • Sweet Tooth
  • Sly Cooper
  • Fat Princess
  • Parappa
  • Mael Radec


  • Hades - Based on God Of War and Patapon
  • Metropolis - Based on Ratchet&Clank and God Of War
  • Sandover Village - Based on Jak&Daxter and Hot Shots Golf
  • Dreamscape - Based on LittleBigPlanet and Buzz!