Ok, so we all knew it was coming for a while now but at least we do get a nice new trailer and a few screens to show off the game and where it is in production. Let's take a look at them and try to see how it is different enough from ModNation Racers to warrant a second look at purchase.
Well I'll be a monkey's aunt Sophia. Mario Kart on the PS3…again. I said the same thing when MNR was coming out. Although I was excited then because it was coming to one of my choice consoles and not my dust collector. Now it just seems that the people over at United Front and Media Molecule are just trying to do what they had planned for a while since LBP2. I'm guessing that they wanted to just build off the brand much like oh wait…Mario Kart did. Nice play there. Nice play.
While it does look a lot like the game that PS3 owners have been wanting since the Wii got the real deal and they were promised something akin I am still not sure. Maybe they will treat it like MNR2 and call it a day. No clue. Either way I am not holding my breath in anticipation. Until I am shown some mind blowing thing, I will dust off my Wii and play MK there for now.