The trailers also shows off some very brutal combos and attacks that we can expect to dish out and sorely take to the face a couple dozen times. In true NetherRealm Studios fashion, the trailer ends with a gory fatality. Rain summons a bubble of water that rises up to poor Liu-Kang's knees and then implodes causing his legs to snap off in a visceral sideways fashion. After Liu-Kang screams out in agony from the sudden loss of his legs, Rain summons a blade of water and promptly ends Liu-Kang's miserable existence by a swift and fluid decapitation.
How many of you guys are going to be getting the new Mortal Kombat DLC? I know I am. Rain costs 400 MS points / $4.99 on the PSN, which is not bad for an entirely new character. NetherRealm unleashes Rain's waves of agony this Tuesday, July 19th. May your combos break bones and your fatality's rain blood.
Rain Vignette
Rain Game Play