I Almost Forgot The Secret World Is A MMO...

Below you can see the new screens and video showcasing a new area in the game called The Savage Coast. The Savage Coast being an area that people try not to speak about or try to enter into. Why is that? Well because of all of the horrors and killings that occur in the area, but that is nothing to keep the factions of The Secret World away. Even though the entire area looks like every town, location or home that has ever been in a horror film or slasher flick.

Also added below is another CGI trailer for the game that slipped past my ever watchful eye. Just like the other clips from the past years, it is high quality and got me just as jazzed for the game as before. I only wish that the release window wasn't one of the other big secrets of the game.

The Secret World The Secret World The Secret World The Secret World The Secret World
The Secret World