Prey, which was released back in July of 2006, was originally developed by Human Head Studios. Prey followed the sci-fi adventures of Cherokee Domasi "Tommy" Tawodi. The general story was that he, along with Girlfriend and Grandfather, were beamed up to an alien ship known only as The Sphere. The Sphere has this whole Galactacus complex, as it devours all materials, living or inanimate from our tiny blue planet. Tommy's Cherokee heritage allowed him to separate his spirit from his body and run around freely through certain points in the game. No word if Tommy will be back in the sequel as of yet.
“We are thrilled to be working with Bethesda on Prey 2,” said Chris Rhinehart, project lead.Prey 2 will provide gamers the opportunity to explore a new facet of the Prey universe, one that offers fast-paced action in an open, alien world. We’re excited to show gamers the title we have been working on and hope they will be as excited by this title as we are.” |
Fortunately Human Head Studios is back in the developers seat again and they will be bringing us all the spirit walking excitement with the latest id tech engine from id Software. With Bethesda Softworks backing this project, and judging from the live action teaser, this is going to be a title to watch in 2012.
Prey 2 will be available on XBox 360, PS3 and Games for Windows and is set to release in 2012. Keep up on all the latest news on there Facebook page here.