Dungeons&Dragons: Daggerdale centers on the desperate struggle to defeat the evil Rezlus and his Zhentarim in their attempt to invade and conquer the Dalelands. Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale is an engaging multi-player experience that introduces a riveting narrative and treacherous new characters. Players are charged with the task of restoring order to Nentir Vale by unlocking the secrets of the Mines of Tethyamar, defeating the evil within the treacherous Tower of the Void, leading to the final confrontation with Rezlus himself. |
Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale is Atari's first cross platform digital download title. It will be released on PlayStation Network, XBox Live Arcade and of course the PC. Daggerdale will encompass solo and multiplayer game play with up to four players online, and two players locally. Players will adventure across multiple levels in what Atari says will be "an array of stunning levels and exploration opportunities set in the richly detailed environments."
Check out the trailer for a little dungeoneering: