So what does this mean for the beta? Well since the game is getting pushed back, players that have those VIP Key cards, or signed up on the website for beta access can see invites going out as early as next week. This is a general queue though and will be on a priority basis, so if you don't get in keep your fingers crossed and watch your e-mail, you might get lucky.
If you want an "assured" spot into the beta, pre-order the game on or before November the 15th. Pre-order players will get their beta invites sometime before November 30th 2010 (North America only).
If you pre-order after Nov. 15th you will get access to the beta one week prior to and unknown launch date. Why one week before launch, well SOE and DC are planning a big Beta ending community event called Battle of the Legends. Also beta players that login to the game when it goes live will get an emblem, acknowledging you were in the beta. Personally I want my own Fortress of Solitude, but I guess an emblem will have to do.
So why the sudden delay? Well according to the press release:
"SOE is dedicated to delivering the highest quality game experiences possible," says John Smedley, President of Sony Online Entertainment." DC Universe Online is the first game of its kind, and a truly massive undertaking -- the first action MMO set in the DC Universe, the first MMO on the PlayStation®3, and the first time the entire DC Universe will be accessible to the millions of fans who are eagerly anticipating its release. As the game heads into external beta testing, this extra time will allow us to address community feedback in a meaningful way. When we get deeper into external beta, we'll be able to share more information regarding the new launch date." |
The last bit of news we have for everyone is that SOE has announced that there will be a collector's edition of the game for PS3. Pretty much it's the same items that come with the PC version that was announced earlier this year. If you don't know what's in it here's a quick rundown of the Collectors swag:
- DCUO Batman statue
- Limited edition Art of DC Universe Online art book
- DCUO Legends Issue #0 comic book with a Jim Lee variant cover
- DCUO Prestige comic presentation of the DCUO back-story
- Limited edition Jim Lee-drawn poster Version of the Issue #0 comic book variant cover.