If you have seen the game play from E3, then you know exactly what part of the game we got to look at behind curtains at Comic Con. Only this time we didn't have to rely on the game designers to tell us how great the new controls for Dead Space 2 are going to be. I can attest that they are just as tight and awesome as previously described. Especially when it comes to the new feature of being able to fly around while in zero gravity areas. It does take a little getting used to, but it is not a feature that feels tacked on just for the sake of having something new.
On top of the new controls for me to get my grubby hands on during my play through, I also got to check out how some of the new puzzles play out. While not too innovative in terms of originality, they re-use some of the old ones and combine them together in new ways. While I did not feel truly tested, I will say that for the average gamer, these puzzles may seem difficult. Maybe it wasn't much trouble for me because I saw the play through at E3, but all of the other people seemed to have an extreme amount of difficulty getting the swing of the puzzles that were present in the demo. They were a bit challenging to get the timing right, but not as impossible as the people playing to my left and right thought they were.
I just hope that these are the basic ones pushed out for the demos. So much potential.
Now what would this be without a look at the sights and sounds of Dead Space 2? This aspect of the game is extremely important to me and was something that worried me at E3 during the first viewing and was only slightly alleviated during my second viewing. Well I'd like to put my worries, and maybe yours, to rest. Playing Dead Space 2 how I would be at home, on a flat screen with surround sound, is completely how EA should keep showing it off. The big screens of the panels coupled with projectors do not show the detail or express the terror of the game.
Now at the end of the day, at least from what I saw, there is no doubt in my mind that Visceral and EA are going to make up for Dante's Inferno by following up with a really good sequel. From the looks of it, the only thing that could severely harm Dead Space 2 is a piss poor story (unlikely) and the tack on of multiplayer for some reason (please no). Let's wait for some more awesomeness to flow out in the coming months before game launch.