Like most people with the stunted tastes of a twelve year old kid, I have always loved the handheld Pokemon games. Despite being an unabashed Nintendo hater. The Nintendo published title's from developer Gamefreak have always been very high quality RPG titles. One could argue the series suffers from a stagnant evolution (ie lack thereof) in the gameplay but lets face it, a lack of innovation is par for the course with Nintendo these days.
What really pisses me off is that if Nintendo and Gamefreak took the time and money to develop a polished, deep, AAA console Pokemon title it could easily be the best RPG in years. Throw in a few new gameplay mechanics (come on guys, the combat has been the same for eleven years), a great open world, and a robust online multiplayer system and most of us would be catching them all for hours and hours. Instead we have had stupid Pokemon themed shovelware title after shovelware title that are cheap cop outs trying to cache in on a franchise rather than develop a deep, genre themed experience.