What other stories can we come up with from all the below Hi-Res screen shots from Capcom's next major fighter? Let's see.
Wolverine and Ryu were both in a bar in New York and saw Yuriko looking fine across the room. They both go up to lay they phatest line on her at the same time. Machoism takes over and the fight takes to the streets. Both declaring the winner to be the pimpest of the pimps.
Then we have Iron Man who was minding his own business hanging out with Pepper Potts. Things were starting to get hot and heavy when Morrigan swoops in and tells him of the fight in NY. Pissed off about the C-Block, he pulls out his largest canon and unloads on Morrigan. All because she was trying to do the right thing.
Ok, that is most likely not how it will happen. But can you imagine? All the crazy love triangles and all the misconceptions.