Here it is, submitted for your approval. Oh, and if you are confused a bit on what you are seeing, look below the clip for Bungie's explanation as to what is going on here.
"The highly classified bio-augmentation procedure is a Spartan candidate's final and most difficult ordeal before joining the ranks of the legendary soldiers. The dramatic interpretation of Carter's rebirth as a Spartan embodies the themes of courage, sacrifice and honor in Halo: Reach and gives viewers a unique look into the origins of a central character in the upcoming blockbuster game." |
Did you get all that from the clip? That is what you are suppose to take away from watching some guy get all pumped full of the stuff that makes Bane such a monstrosity for Batman. I guess it is good to know that in the future, humans will start to look past the negatives of steroid abuse and embrace it as a symbol of courage. Not to mention that it is the pivotal point in all Spartan's origins and character.
Now to go 'roid up and Spartan Suit Up!