I am glad that Ubisoft has made such a great and undying commitment to preserving our beautiful Earth by not spending money (which in America is also green, ironically) on printing user manuals. Guys I appreciate the sentiment but call a spade a spade. If you need a little better profit margin then just say so. We aren't stupid.
To be honest I think this is a great idea. I may or may not be in the minority, but I never give a second glance at any of the printed materials that come with my games. If video game publishers can save a few bucks and not lay off half their staff after a game's release then awesome. Go for it! Big huge game publishers making money IS a good thing for the industry and money saved means a better bottom line. Just don't tell me it is to save the planet.
On a side note can anyone stand to look or listen to Shaun White? He has got to be the most annoying looking/sounding person whose existence has been made known to me. He looks just a little too much like Carrot Top.