Games in a Flash: Episode 2

So you're probably at home/work with a bad hang over and not really in the mood to be productive. So today I bring you three flash games to keep you entertained and highly unproductive on the tail end of this fine drinking holiday.

Cream Wolf

Cream Wolf is really a throw back to the 80's (for those that remember) with pixel characters, midi music, and crazy color schemes. The game is simple, drive around in your ice cream truck playing your ice cream tune until kids come running to your truck (creepy). This starts the new mini-game where you need to stack the kids order, and try and keep it as nice looking as possible to get the most points. The more kids, the more cones you have to make. I'm going to tell you to at least play the first level and get two loyal customers because once the full moon hits, the fun begins! Thanks go out to Pixel Jam and Adult swim games.


Up, Down, Left, Right= Move
X= Play Music/drop ice cream


This popular game is one of my personal favorites. If you haven't played this by now you are in for a treat. Your only object here is to jump, jump through buildings, glass, any obstacle in your way. The longer it goes the faster it gets (which is becoming quite the popular flash game format?) Want to turn your brain into mush, check this one out! Thanks to Adam Atomic for this great flash game. (note: this game was created in five days!)


X= Jump

St. Pattack

Finally, because it's the day after St. Patrick's day, I give to you a little flash game called St. Pattack. Feel like beating up some leprechauns for making you drink to much? How about drop-kicking a couple of sheep? Well then this is the game for you. A side scrolling action game that gives you all the revenge you need for that rough night of drinking. Brought to you by Phantasmagor.


Pause: ESC
Attack: A
Special Attack: S
Jump: Up Arrow
Walk Left: Left Arrow
Walk Right: Right Arrow
Block: Down Arrow