Why Is Kratos Bringing Down The Gods In God Of War III?

If you go over to the PlayStation Blog and check out the Path To Olympus posting, you will see that those great people over there have set up a retrospective for us all. Something to tell the tale of Kratos and the betrayal he endured from the gods. The narrative told in both text and game cut scene formats. Done pretty well if I do suck/eat the dev's off/out say so myself.

I do find it a bit curious that they seemed to have left out the story line from Chains of Olympus - the PSP prequel - and the smaller story from Betrayal found only on mobile devices. They seem to be sticking to the main lore and that is it, even though there are great side stories and explanations in the others. I guess they just want to catch up all you puny mortals that have yet to even give God of War and/or God of War II a try. They don't want you to miss out on the PS3 title that is already getting almost perfect review scores and an over abundance of positive feedback. How very nice of them.

Oh, and if you would like to thank them directly, a good portion of the Dev's are now on the official forums answering questions and conversing with everyone. So if you have questions or just want to virtually suck/eat the dev's off/out say thanks, you have a way to do so directly. If you were not able to make it to GDC that is.