First up is Halo Wars. With the next entry in the series approaching, and other titles still going strong, it's a comforting thought that for those who need every single game that there is precious relief. Over at Buy.com, they are allowing the Spartans to save the world for 62% off - bringing the normal $79.99 price tag down to a more manageable $29.99.

Additionally, over at Amazon.com, there are plenty of gaming deals to take advantage of:
Assassin's Creed II, whose downloadable content seems to be coming in from all directions, is going for $36.
Additionally, for the Halophiles and for fans of FPSs in general, if for some reason you haven't picked up ODST it's going for $49.
And if you don't have a 360 for the aforementioned Halo title, and have been itching to try out the Forza Motorsports series, Amazon seeks to solve that as well by offering an Elite Spring 2010 package with both Halo: ODST, and Forza Motorsports 3 for $299.99.
What I always find interesting is when an entire company says, "Screw this - everything goes!", and this wave of sale goodness washes over their catalog. Certainly I have no complaints when such a thing happens and in this case it is Atari that is doing the holy-priceslash-jutsu. Using the promo code atari50 when you check out, you shall bear witness to the might of discounting power.

And if you can't see that fine print, it states that this excludes: pre-orders, Puzzler World, Star Trek Online, Flashback 2+, Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, EVE Online, Sam&Max 2, and Project Runway.
Here's an example of what your checkout could resemble, before:

And after:

So there you have it, there are some deals for you to mull over and review, and then empty out your wallets with until they are left weeping.