Civilization V Announced

With a new engine built from the ground up, Civilization V is coming out to show players that strategy-based games are here to stay in this big world of MMO's and FPS's.

Players are introduced to an entirely new combat system, deeper diplomatic interactions and a cavalcade of expanded features that deliver a fully immersive experience providing hours of entertainment as players build and defend their empire on their quest to become the greatest ruler the world has ever known.

Civilization V makes changes to the playing field by utilizing Hexagonal tiles. That's right...Hexagons. This brings a better view of the battle field, and a richer/deeper gameplay experience. Graphics are getting beefed up, (as to be expected) along with animated leaders who now speak in their native tongue, a new feature added for the first time. Also players will be able to experience ranged bombardment combat, giving players a new way to control strategic combat. Along with 18 different Civilizations to choose from, you can turn that monkey of a caveman into the first guy to walk on the moon!

In addition to the new gameplay features debuting in Civilization V, an extensive suite of community, modding and multiplayer elements will also make an appearance.

Modding and multiplayer elements are key for a strategy game to be successful in this generation. With a huge Civilization following, i am sure the modding community will keep everyone on their toes and busy working through new campaigns.

Each new version of Civilization presents exciting challenges for our team,” said Sid Meier, director of creative development at Firaxis Games.

If this isn't enough Civilization news for you, don't forget that Sid Meier's Civilization Network is also being released as a Facebook application. Civilization V is scheduled for a Fall 2010 release. So dust off that keyboard, grab some Bawls and let world domination begin!

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