It's not a content update, but a whole redesign of the PlayStation Store. I'm sure you've heard something about this in the last few weeks or so. But it looks like they are actually going through with it sometime in the middle of April. No solid date has been locked down for it. The only set date is that they will not be releasing any new content on the store from April 3rd on to the actual release of the re-vamp. This of course will all be made with yet another Firmware update. See the press release below for more on this subject.
Now, you may be thinking, how is this PWNing its users. Well it means that you will not be able to get any updates for games until the actual release of the new store. With another release that was made on RockBand.com, this is the week that they are releasing the anticipated Still Alive song from Portal, not to mention that there is also a plethora of other DLC stuff for other games as well. That one just rings home with me. So now I have to wait, while some of my other friends, with the XBox version, get to rock that song. CURSES! *Shakes Fist*
To enable enhancements to be made to the store, no additional downloadable content will be posted prior to the revamp, starting April 3. However, customers will be able to access, browse, shop and download from the PLAYSTATION Store during this period. Regularly scheduled PLAYSTATION Store content updates will resume with additional games and game-related items, including the downloadable version of the highly-anticipated exclusive PS3 title Gran Turismo™ 5 Prologue, the next installment of the billion dollar selling racing franchise and intense precursor to Gran Turismo™5.
In the PLAYSTATION Store, customers can use their PLAYSTATION Network accounts and "virtual wallets" to seamlessly purchase and download content for PS3. The PLAYSTATION Store revamp will not affect PLAYSTATION Network accounts or the virtual wallet system. There are currently more than 3.5 million registered PLAYSTATION®Network accounts in North America
The PLAYSTATION Store can be accessed via XMB™ (XrossMediaBar). Customers accessing PLAYSTATION Store starting in mid April will be prompted to download a free firmware update, which will automatically enable access to the new PLAYSTATION Store.