Oh it is on It's time to pick a side ladies and gents.  Are you a Soldier? or a Demoman?

The Team Fortress 2 blog is starting to release information about the new update for 2, count 'em 2 classes.  The Soldier and the Demoman have always had a rough around the edges releationship, but this time the gloves are off, and it's every team for himself.

Scheduled to be released December 17th, the TF2 team usually gives us the scoop on the update about a week early so players can spend the next week salivating over what new content is coming.  Keep an eye out on the WarHub page for all sorts of updates including Achievements, obscure items, and 3 new weapons for each class. 

Sure everything seems like it's a normal update, then Valve decides to throw a bomb in the plan, and rather than have players watching online waiting for the new patch, they send the players out to kill each other.  Big brother is watching and keeping a kill count.  Depending on which side gets the most kills of the opposing side, that class will be graced with a fabled 7th weapon.  Nobody has any idea what the weapon is but the Soldiers have a good theory on how their going to handle it:

"Gentlemen, I have NO IDEA what this weapon is. I don’t even know if I’ll WANT it. But BY GOD, I know what’s IMPORTANT, and it’s that WE get it and the DEMOMAN DOES NOT."

So get off your ass and get playing.  As of this post the Soldiers are ahead of the game, but can they keep it up?  You can check out all the carnage for both the Soldier and the Demoman on their respective pages.  Also stay tuned to the WarHub page to see what all the other cool maps and weapons they will be adding.