They are all listed and thumbed below for your viewing pleasure. But for those of you that like reading what I have to say or purpose, let me ask you a question. Don't all of these shots, and all the prior ones look like Square Enix's favorite color is green?
Yes there are a lot of shots outside and in plains or forested areas. I get those are suppose to be green. But just look at the rest, even the indoor ones. There is a lot of that emerald color abound. Just my own musing on things maybe, but it is how it seems.
But at least we can also take away the fact that it looks like an area like the Thunder Plains will be making a come back. I could just be extrapolating on the couple shots where the whole area seems to be cloud covered and stormy. There is no confirmation or text adjoined these shots, so it is just the musings of my own twisted head, but it looks like a very good possibility. I could also just need more sleep after the recent onslaught of releases. In either case enjoy and comment.