The Blood Echelon is a select lodge of elite Dragon Slayers who have earned the highest of distinctions on the battlefield. Their elite armor and weapon set includes:
- Blood Echelon Armor – Sturdy as granite and shaped to intimidate, Blood Echelon armors set new standards in the art of war
- Blood Echelon Weapon – The Claymore, the Frontline Slayers' might weapon of choice, cleaves armor like it was mere flesh.
The pre-order program is available now through January 5th, 2010. So grab your keys and head to your local GameStop for more info and incentive details. Or if you don't want to go anywhere and still want the items you can check them out at Gamestop.com. Oh before I go, the pre-orders only apply for the Xbox 360 version of the game. Sorry PC gamers.
My Take: Anytime you can get an upgrade of anything, especially with a game like Divinity II, you cannot go wrong in putting 5 dollars down to pre-order the game to get those upgrades. If you're going to get the game anyways I don't see why not.