I wish I would have waited now. Also that I lived in Japan and spoke the language. Or well pretty much all the things that would be required for me to use this new version of the Wii that is coming out on the 1st of August.
No it doesn't have any new features. It also doesn't come bundled with any new games or equipment. It just comes already done up in a nice Black finish. A shiny black finish at that. Also included is a black WiiMote with a black WiiMote slip cover with it. It is just all black and not a specialty company thing. It will be on shelves in Japan and your local importers shelves. Pretty frigging sweet.
Currently pre-orders are being taken for it. Play Asia being one of the primary companies doing so. The only real draw back here though is that it is retailing for about $100 (USD) more than your average Wii. A nice price to pay for a Black Wii. At least in my opinion. Here is what it looks like.