One of the big things that was kept behind guarded close doors a month ago at E3 was Mass Effect 2. EA wen to great measures to ensure that no one caught video or even spoke about what was seen in the small closed off room. With good sense given some of the spoilers and how epic this game looks like it is going to be. If you are a fan, you know what I'm talking about here.
Well here is some good news for you that were not one of the lucky few to get into that hidden booth, but have heard about things from it. BioWare has given a new developer's diary showcasing a good portion of what was seen back there. About four minutes worth of what was shown behind those closed and secret doors. All with some good explanation on a few things to go along with said visuals.
Word to the wise though. There are some spoilers mixed into this video as well. Things that are about characters and possible endings to the game. If you don't want to be spoiled, watch it with the sound turned off. Then you'll at least get some good eye candy with out ruining anything.