Mars Attracts Has Dropped A Full Demo Out There For Us All To Enjoy

Mars Attracts

A demo for Mars Attracts is finally out there for us as Mars Attracts has moved its way out of Alpha stage

We are finally going to be able to take that full ride out there with Mars Attracts as a demo for the game is out there on Steam. All of the teasing and all of the alpha looks at the game are ramping up to a point that Outlier has finally given the world a slice of the game to enjoy. A small slice, but something to bring us all in closer to what Mars Attracts has to offer as we gear up for a full release during the year at some point. So, clear off some hard drive space and get ready to build your own parks and see just what all of the hype has been about for this one. I am excited to see if it gives us the same magic that the film did so very long ago.

As for what we are getting in the demo for Mars Attracts, it is hard to say without just loading it up, but my guess would be a mixture of the tutorial missions and maybe some of the actual campaign to entice us to want to play more. A solid way to show off how we will abduct the humans, build the parks, and keep all of the Martians happy as the rest of the experience plays out. You can get a little bit of a feel for all of that in the following video we have to come along with the announcement for the Mars Attracts demo, but it is a lot more of the similar footage we have had to experience up until now. It looks like it can be a laugh riot if we play all of the cards and everything correctly. So, start that download and then have a look at the new footage as you wait for it all to get ready to load up out there.

Mars Attracts — Official Demo Launch

Mars Attracts has a demo dropping on Steam today, March 20th.

Build rides, hire and train staff, manage guest needs, and most importantly — abduct humans to serve as the star attractions! Craft the perfect park to appeal to your Martian guests, but don’t forget to keep your humans’ needs met too — the hideous enclosed-brained Earthlings can be prone to escape!

Key Features:

  • Choose Your Team - You’ll need researchers to monitor your humans, janitors to maintain their habitats, and security to zap them when they break loose.
  • Abduct humans from throughout history and display them in highly customizable habitats.
  • Study those strange enclosed-brained creatures to unlock exciting new ways to amaze your guests, but remember: some humans don’t like it when you probe them.
  • Control Your Captives - Humans are unruly creatures, and even the most secure park may have to deal with an escape or two.
  • Ensure you don’t go bankrupt before the profits start rolling in.
  • Build rides, amenities, facilities, and more to make your park the number one attraction on Mars!

Did you have some fun with the alpha for Mars Attracts or did you hold off on look at anything until now? Do you think this is a sign that we are almost ready for the full drop of the game to hit us or will it still be a bit further into the year before we get that full launch? How long will the full game be or will this be one that leans more into the replay factor to keep players coming back day after day? Abduct yourself down into the comment section and discuss all of that as you so wish to do out there. We should have much more for Mars Attracts in the coming weeks, so please keep on checking back in for all of that and every other update that we can find to share with you. It is going to be one Hells of a ride.