Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 Has Set The Hunters Out On Us


Hunters are out in force for Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 and we get to see how they will be more than just coffin fodder in Bloodlines 2

It looks as if more is coming out of the shadows in the World Of Darkness as the Hunters are out in for Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2. We are not talking the basics ones we might think for from all of the lore and media before now, but the ones that The Chinese Room is bringing to life from the pages of the tabletop game to make our lives even worse in the game. That is, if we do decide to keep breaking the Masquerade in Bloodlines 2 or have the dumb idea of taking the fight directly to them. Both options to go about, but in this PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC game it looks like it could lead to a solid Final Death or just all manner of chaos that we will need to cover up out there. Let us take another bite out of all of it now.

For Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2, the hunters have been given a massive boost in their abilities without making them fully supernatural out there. That is, they are all run through a U.S. government agency that is a bit off the books but also has all of the funding and firepower that something like that would have in our real world. Only a bit more extreme as this is the World Of Darkness that we find ourselves in. This unit is run by Agent Baker, who looks to be as ruthless as she is calculating. Thus, while going through Bloodlines 2, we are going to need to make sure we do not grab much attention or we will see the business end of all of those shotguns out there. That or we will need to go on the offensive and hit the hunters on their home turf. This looks like it could also be a mission we will need to undertake in the full game. Here is a quick look at these hunters and the gear they are going to use to make sure we do not drain the life out of everything we can find.

Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 — Hunters

In-game video compilation showing various encounters with Hunters in Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2.

The Information and Awareness Office spearheads the U.S. government’s response to the Blankbody threat. While officially defunded, it operates on a large black budget that allows its hunters to face the undead under the guise of “training missions” and “counter-terrorist strikes”.

Agent Baker

Agent Baker is pragmatic and methodical. She leads the I.A.O. in its mission to investigate the Blankbody presence in Seattle. She doggedly follows up on any suspicious deaths or disappearances and re-examines historical events to achieve her goal: to understand the monsters that she hunts so their elimination can be absolute.

The agents under her command respect her and have given her a nickname, which she bears proudly: “Mother Hen.”

Did you think that hunters were going to have this much of a role in Bloodlines 2 or did you think it was only going to be when we brought too much heat down in the world? Will they actually have supernatural skills as they do in the tabletop or will these be all tech-based hunters and not much more? Can we use the hunters in the game to go after rivals or is that something that would not make for the best video game experience out there? Sneak on down to the comment section to let us know your thoughts on all of this and then discuss it more. We are watching Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 like a ghoul, so expect there to be a whole lot more to come for the game out there. Just be sure to check in on the site so you get to see and hear about all of it as we wait longer for the final release of the game out there.