Days Gone
Days Gone fans will soon be able to play the game natively on the PS5 with the announcement for Days Gone Remastered
It only took a good chunk of time, but it looks like the PS5 and PC will soon get its Days Gone Remastered. A title I know I have been waiting for after playing what Bend Studio gave us a while back and then had to replay it backwards after the PS5 came out. On April 25th, though, that all ends as the remaster will hit us and offer up all of those fun new things that the latest hardware out there can handle. Along with a few new features some wanted in the original Days Gone but never truly received. All of that and more is on the way, and we can have a taste of it all right now with the big announcement we have for the title.
In addition to allowing Days Gone to run natively on the PS5 and the usual visual upgrades that come with it, there are some other fun things included too. Like a new Photo Mode for those who enjoy all of that. A new permadeath run of the game as well as a Speed Run option to go down. A new Horde mode that looks like it will be just massive waves of the infected we will need to survive. Along with some new accessibility and other tweaks to the game that were not thought about back in 2019. Along with that, the PC version of the game looks to be getting the DLC that was out there before too. Those who purchased Days Gone on the PS4 will be able to upgrade to this new version of the game on the PS5 for $10 USD while the full game looks to be running about $50 USD. It was a sleeper hit in my opinion, so well worth the cost of admission.
Days Gone Remastered — Announcement
Available on PS5 April 25, 2025.
New content is also available on PC as Broken Road DLC on April 25, 2025.
Fight to survive in the definitive Days Gone experience, remastered for the PlayStation 5 console. Face off against the harsh reality of the Farewell Wilderness – still infected by hordes of Freakers, two years after a devastating outbreak.
Did you think we were ever going to see more for Days Gone or was that going to be a title lost to time? Will you be paying the extra $10 USD to do the upgrade or will you just keep on playing the version of the game you picked up years ago? Could any of this led to anything new in the IP or is that hope dashed along with all of the other hardships that have gone down in the real world instead? Ride on down to the comment section to discuss all of that and then feel free to discuss it all. If we get anything further for the Days Gone Remastered version, we will update you all here. Please keep a sharp eye on the site for all of those updates and the various others we will have to share with you along the way.