Head Deeper Into Raccoon City With The Next Event For Dead By Daylight

Dead By Daylight

The next 2v8 mode for Dead By Daylight is here for us to try to survive within the darkness of the Fog of Dead By Daylight

The streets and buildings of Raccoon City are calling us in with the new bits for the 2v8 Mode in Dead By Daylight. We had a bit of a tease last week for what Behaviour was going to be adding in with the Nemesis and the Mastermind. Now, we get to see more of that or just jump into the mix of Dead By Daylight and experience it all as things play out from February 10th until the 25th. As long as you are ready to be hunted down like this on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. That or maybe do the hunting down depending on your preference for playing the game in the first place. It can be rather dynamic after all.

To gear us all up for this new bit for Dead By Daylight, we have a slight highlight video to give you a feel for each of these new Killers and the various skins we are going to get in the game too. Both are slow and lumbering beings here, even if the Mastermind would normally be a more agile person from the source of it all. At least when getting their hands dirty and now just release some of the undead into the world to hunt for them. That does seem to be an ability that will be leaping over to Dead By Daylight for all of this. Have a look and see how this will be something to help soften the blow of the direct Resident Evil multiplayer portion getting shut down very soon.

Dead By Daylight — 2v8: Resident Evil

The Nemesis and The Mastermind have united.

Dead By Daylight’s 2v8 Game Mode returns with a Resident Evil twist, bringing The Nemesis, The Mastermind, the Raccoon City Police Department, and more into the mix.

Trapped forever in a realm of eldritch evil where even death is not an escape, four determined Survivors face a bloodthirsty Killer in a vicious game of nerve and wits. Pick a side and step into a world of tension and terror with horror gaming’s best asymmetrical multiplayer.

2v8 Mode x Resident Evil

Back for its third iteration since debuting in July 2024, Dead By Daylight’s 2v8 Mode continues to be enthusiastically embraced by players as a fresh and fun way to enjoy their favorite asymmetrical horror multiplayer.

This time around the chaos of 2v8 gets Resident Evil characters. First, The Nemesis and The Mastermind will join the 2v8 Killer roster alongside Dead By Daylight’s own original creation The Legion.

With a pair of dedicated Dead By Daylight Chapters already under its belt featuring two Killers, four Survivors, and multiple Legendary Outfits that add even more characters from the iconic series, Resident Evil is uniquely positioned to fill every character slot within a 2v8 match. And what better arena of this scale to unfold than the Raccoon City Police Department, which will also being joining 2v8 mode’s Map rotation.

As an added bonus to ensure the best experience for all players, every Resident Evil character will be free to play exclusively in 2v8 Mode for the duration of the event.

Gameplay Updates

Dead By Daylight will also be adding some new thematic gameplay elements to this edition of 2v8 to help welcome Resident Evil to the Mode.

The Nemesis and The Mastermind’s Powers in Dead By Daylight revolve around their ability to infect and weaken Survivors, The Nemesis with the T-Virus, The Mastermind using Uroboros. Should both The Nemesis and The Mastermind be chosen as Killers in a 2v8 Trial (matching), a single unified antidote becomes the default Item in Supply Crates, capable of curing either infection.

A staple of the Resident Evil franchise, Herbs have also been adapted into a unique gameplay mechanic, exclusive to this iteration 2v8.

At the start of a Trial (matching), Green and Yellow Herbs will randomly spawn around the Map, with Green Herbs healing 1 Survivor Health State and Yellow Herbs healing 1 Hook State. To even the playing field, Killers will of course be able to permanently destroy any Herb they come across, getting a brief movement speed increase in the process.

Finally, in a bid to reduce Killer queue time, this iteration of 2v8 will also add two Survivor Bots to every lobby.

Expanding Evil

In the world of Dead By Daylight few crossovers have generated more buzz among players than Resident Evil entering The Fog with two Chapters, a slew of classic characters, and an ever-expanding Collection of Outfits.

With nearly 30 years of games to draw from, the series’ heroes and villains have no shortage of iconic looks, and on Feb. 10, six more will become available. Kicking back to his original 1999 debut in the series, The Nemesis will receive the Nemesis Origin Outfit, while The Mastermind, Albert Wesker gets the New Dawn Outfit from his appearance in the recent Resident Evil 4 remake. On the Survivor side, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, and Rebecca Chambers will each see a new classic look added to their wardrobes.

2v8 Game Mode featuring Resident Evil will be available in Dead By Daylight from Feb.10 to Feb. 25, 2025.

Have you already jumped into Dead By Daylight to give all of this a go or is the 2v8 mode not something you are too keen on? Is it weird to see Wesker moving so slow in the game or is it just something to make game balancing a bit easier in the alternate world? Will any of this carry on after the event is over or will it always be a short-lived thing for the guest Killers out there? Sneak on down to the comment section to leave those thoughts and then discuss. We are going to have more for Dead By Daylight, for sure, so please keep on checking back with the site to see it all. Maybe even our social accounts too, if you are feeling saucy.