Bad Cheese Is Ready For Us All To Take In A Bit Of A Sample

Bad Cheese

A demo for Bad Cheese is out there for us all to see if it hits well or really is just some Bad Cheese

Those who have heard of Bad Cheese before now and looking to see what else it has to offer up besides a grim look at a specific art style can do so now. A demo for the game is out there on the PC for those looking to see what Simon Lukasik and Feardemic games will be bringing down the line. Sadly, not the full version of it all but even a small taste of Bad Cheese is better than no cheese. I think that is a saying out there or something. Nonetheless, a demo is here and we can see how the art and gameplay are going to give us all a weird taste in our gaming mouths when all is said and done.

As you can see just a little lower down, Bad Cheese leans into that Disney style with a bit of the body horror added on top of it. All as we are trying to make sure our Dad can go to sleep in peace in the game. Something we will only be able to do by making little noise and collecting all of the food in the house, a hidden action figure, and facing our demons. All of this does not seem like what the visuals are pushing for, but what we need to do in at least the demo here. You do not have to just read on about Bad Cheese, though, as we have a bit of that demo gameplay just a little lower. That and you can download and experience what this little slice of the game is ready to offer up as we wait for the rest of it to be developed and then released into the wild out there. Have a look and see how you will judge it.

Bad Cheese — Official Demo

This is the demo version of Bad Cheese.

You’re in the bedroom (and adjacent rooms), trying to ensure your daddy can go to bed in peace. To achieve this, he needs your help!

You must also avoid making him angry—it’s hard for him to sleep if he’s busy punishing you.

Collect all the food, find the hidden action figure, and put your daddy to sleep.

And that's not even the worst part of the house…

Step into the tiny paws of a mouse spending the weekend at home with a dysfunctional Dad while Mom’s away. Be on your best behavior and KEEP DADDY HAPPY.

Face Your Demons

You all live together. You, Dad, Mom, Brother, and the rest of the demons. Try not to cause problems so you don't have to be punished.

Help Around The House

Scrub, sweep, clean, make fries, kill spiders, bring Daddy his pills—essentially, be a good kid.

Find Hidden Treasures

Explore the house and look for treats and action figures scattered around. This might be the only fun part about living here.

Just Try To Get By

Visit various parts of the house, face difficult situations, and experience the gruesome reality of a child-mouse trying to maintain a sense of normalcy in an abnormal household.

Is this the first you are hearing about Bad Cheese or have you been waiting for this announcement to drop out there? Will there be other crossover things in the game beyond just the visuals or will this be it to make sure no one is sued? Why will it be our job to make sure our dad sleeps soundly and is there a darker theme behind keeping dad happy? Creep on into the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else that we have to offer up on the page for you. I know I will be digging into the demo a bit later on today, so we will most likely have a bit of that fun to share with you all as the development of the game carries forward just a bit more.