The Weapon X scientists altered Wade genetically incorporating a segment of DNA copied from Wolverine. The experiment was to grant Wade a superhuman regenerative healing factor and enhance his physical abilities. However the cancer initially worked against the experiment causing Wades entire body to be horribly scarred and mentally it drove him to become unstable. After being deemed a failure, Wade was sent to “The Workshop” which was a place where other less than desirable test subjects were sent for further experimentation. Wade completely snapped and was about to be executed but his healing factor finally kicked in. He escaped and using his new abilities Wade took on the name Deadpool as he returned to mercenary work. During the Civil War, Deadpool was contracted by the leaders of the Superhuman Registration Act and became a “hero hunter”.
As a result of the Weapon X experiments, Deadpool has an artificially enhanced physiology with bolstered strength, speed and agility. However the most significant improvement resulting from the experiment is his ability to heal from even the most grievous of wounds in a relatively short amount of time. He has gone so far as to be able to heal from decapitation. A side effect of his healing factor is that it seems to contribute to his insanity and inane banter. Though for all his crazy antics, Deadpool’s skills are not to be overlooked. Due to his time as a mercenary and with the Weapon X program, Deadpool has developed superb hand-to-hand combat skills and is an accomplished marksman. Above all he is deadliest with bladed weapons and whenever possible he’ll choose to eliminate his target using his trademark pair of katana. Along with a large arsenal of weapons and firearms, Deadpool also possesses a personal teleportation device.
Deadpool appeared as a boss character in X-men Legends II where he was also an unlockable character. He was next included as an officially playable member of the Marvel Ultimate Alliance roster. In both games he had a strong mix of abilities that made him a formidable member of any team. His sword-based melee attacks could cause some serious damage and his firearms and explosive devices added a series of ranged attacks to his arsenal. His teleportation device also allowed him to attack several enemies across the entire screen in quick succession. If there’s one area I felt he was lacking though it’s his costume selection. Outside of his traditional his red and black costume, there hasn’t been too many choices to appear in the games. His Ultimate Universe outfit showed up in Ultimate Alliance along with a variant to his standard Earth-616 costume. Personally I’d like to see the black and orange costume from a few years back as an option. I think it would also be interesting to see some kind of a concept outfit for the forthcoming movie if only to get a taste of things to come. Whatever the case, as long as Activision stays away from the Jean Grey/Marvel Girl green skirt costume, I’m satisfied.