Suicide Squad
The final DLC is out for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League with Deathstroke finally coming in for this Suicide Squad out there
We all knew the end was coming for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League and now we are in that end game with the final DLC dropping out there for us to enjoy. Well, as much as any of us have been able to enjoy this title after Rocksteady originally dropped it on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It is sad to see that we are not going to be making it fully through the whole lineup that they might have had, but we get the fourth character to join the Suicide Squad in their task to kill all of the different Brainiacs out there. Seems like that might have made for a better title than to go after the Justice League. I digress, as we have Deathstroke joining up and ready to play as soon as you reload the game back up and download the last DLC for it all.
Deathstroke is not a stranger to the Suicide Squad in general, but this one does seem to hail from a different Earth in the multiverse out there. One where things seemed to go about the same as they did in the game, but with this version of the character sliding through various different realities and killing off the various Brainiac that might be causing the problems there. Maybe this is how we will be able to see the end of the 13 different ones we were tasked with killing in Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League and maybe get to that full conclusion that felt like it was going to be far removed from the world out there. Have a look at the character and get your digital blades ready to be swung.
Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League — Meet Deathstroke
Time to see who’s the best assassin on the Squad 💥 Season 4 of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is available now!
Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
How do you feel about the end of this Suicide Squad and the story it was trying to tell out there? Will Deathstroke handle all that differently from the other characters he is like who are already in the game or will he feel like another Deadshot kind of character? Will we actually get to see the final story that the developers were building to in all of this or will it forever be an unfinished game that will leave a few wondering out there? Head on down to the comment section to leave all of those thoughts and then discuss it all as you will. Since this is the final DLC for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, there is most likely not going to be anything else to update moving forward. If there is, we will drop it all here but it is very, very unlikely at this point.