A new update for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is coming with a new Texas Graveyard and some classic actors coming in for the IP again
A new update and set of things are on the way to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre on December 12th. I feel like it would have made for better timing for the 13th, but maybe this was Gun Interactive's way of getting everyone ready for some new horror on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC before the date. No matter the case, we are heading back down to Texas again in the game with a new Graveyard map to run and hide in, while also getting a new killer and survivor in the mix. Both hold the likeness and voices of two iconic horror performers out there. One is well-known for this IP and the other is known for other works of horror.
If you did not just rush on down to the new trailer for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, then you will be pleased to see that Bill Mosely is finally in the game here as a character called Bones. This is due to the developers not being able to get Chop Top licensed into the game, but still wanting Mr. Mosely to join in the fun. Hence why the character looks a lot closer to the actor specifically than the character from the IP. Then we also get Skeet Ulrich as a character called Wyatt in the mix. A Texas Sherrif who is being portrayed by the Scream actor in the mix. Ulrich has done many other things, but horror fans in general will know him from those films. An odd choice but one that gives us all a lot more to play with. Have a look at the video we have highlighting it all just a little lower down.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre — Bones, Wyatt, & Graveyard
Meet Bones and Wyatt, coming December 12th with the all-new Graveyard map.
Were these the two characters for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre that you thought we would be getting or are you just glad to have more variety in the game? Will Bones be able to have special kills with any of the explosives in the matches or will it be just for traps and making noise? How will Wyatt change things up in the matches or will it just be about the same but with the likeness and voice to give us something new to play with? Creep on into the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else we have going on. We are seeing more for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre on the way, so please keep on checking back in for all of those updates and everything else we can offer up for the game moving forward. I have a feeling there is still a whole lot more fun to come.