Marvel Rivals
Moon Knight is on the way to Marvel Rivals and will bring some of the fun wrath to Marvel Rivals when it fully launches out there
Just when we thought we might have seen the last of the character updates for Marvel Rivals before the December 6th release date, we have another to add to the growing roster out there. I am kind of hopeful that NetEase Games will be able to get in many of this vast roster from Marvel, but extremely glad to see Moon Knight getting added in. Yes, this is the next hero for Marvel Rivals who will be bringing all manner of wrath into the game when we pick it up on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Along with all of the other fun little gadgets and mystical powers out there in the night…
Moon Knight will be another of the Duelist class in Marvel Rivals that will be tossing around all of his Moon Blades and Cresent Darts so that everything stays on-theme for the hero. Along with all of that, Khonshu will be assisting Marc along the way with all of the other bigger effects and ultimate skills he will need to keep up with the various other super-powered beings. I am going to guess that the D.I.D. is not going to be part of Marvel Rivals in this version of it all, outside of maybe the skins and costumes we can wear as we progress him to the best state of being and grinding out all of that in-game currency.
Marvel Rivals — Character Reveal: Moon Knight
🌙 He was given a second chance at life, becoming the avatar of the Egyptian Moon God, Khonshu. Piercing through the darkness, Moon Knight is ready to glide into the action in Marvel Rivals!
Summoning sacred ankhs that connect him to Khonshu, Marc Spector unleashes Crescent Darts that bounce between foes and a powerful Moon Blade to finish them off. He’s ready to take down his enemies, and won’t stop until he claims victory in his master’s name.
Marvel Rivals is officially launching on December 6, 2024! Get ready to ignite the battle with Moon Knight!
Was Moon Knight on your list of needed characters in Marvel Rivals or just another of the fun surprises we are going to have in the game? Will Khonshu play any other role in the game beyond the explanation of the larger effects Marc can call upon? Who do you think Moon Knight will be perfectly teamed up with in the game and will we see others of the Midnight Suns in the mix? Float on down to the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else that we can offer up out there. We have a lot more for Marvel Rivals on the way, so please keep on checking back for all of those updates and the many others still in the pipes.